Funky Formal Satine |
Zombie Invasion Weekend |
I make a delicious mushy stir-fry! |
Watch out! Danger when gingers unite! |
Tomorrow I head up to the house of some friends. I get to spend the weekend in their pool and swimming and chilling with a bunch of sexy women. I just finished some tail repairs so that I can do this as a mer. I'm terribly excited to get back in my tail and in the water. I hope we can take some photos of it!
After that I head up to NJ on either Monday or Tuesday. Hopefully I can gain access to a pool in NJ as well, and maybe finally finish things with my tail. I might try and enlist the help of some artist friends to assist in painting it. Then I'll be spending some time in PA at Creation 2011. Followed by a large family gathering for the 4th of July. Then, I should be aiding my brother in sailing his new house, a 30-some foot sailboat, North along the coast. Then it's back to the faires, Bristol and MN.
Alright, I'm off to spend one more night in the heat of my house.