So, I made lots of progress recently on my tail! More on that in a second. First, a general update on life.
My job at Target is over next Thursday, thankfully! It earned me a goodly sum of money, which was nice, but I was miserable for a while there. Next weekend I attend Kangeiko with USA Martials Arts Florida, an amazing dojo and a group of people I consider my 'dojo family'. I'm thrilled to be attending as it has always overlapped the Riverdale Kiwanis Medieval Faire and I missed it last year. Well this year I skip the first weekend and advertise for The Pirate Ship Pieces of Eight on the second weekend. I'm a bit saddened that Traveler's Hold will not be working at the Faire this year. Then I have one more weekend in Fort Myers to celebrate a certain sailor's birthday. She and her crewmate are working on the schooner Appledore V until about April. If you're in the area you should charter them, it's a grand time and very historic! Then I'm off to St. Petersburg and Tampa for about two and a half months!
Alright, back to my tail...and fumes. I finally gained access to a heated pool, after a tad of drama. It's a Jr. Olympic sized pool so you can imagine it's rather large and spacious. For some of the time I had to avoid the lane swimmers and children but a couple hours later it was practically empty. I tested out my monofin in a much nicer environment without buoyancy issues, and I was able to test out my gloves for the first time! Both worked wonderfully and I was delighted to naturally take to the full body undulation needed to swim successfully in a monofin. Since hardly anyone ever reads these I feel no need to stop babbling on extensively. My friend took video with my new Android X [which I love]. I edited the clips and pieced them together to upload to youtube. [Also, those socks work very nicely and help with the crappy straps and any possible chafing.]
That was on Tuesday the 4th of January 2011 [Happy New Year]. Yesterday on Thursday the 6th I spent about six hours working on tail construction. I finished the top half of my pattern and I began cementing scraps of neoprene together, thus the fumes. Sadly there was no high Scrumpy, only a mild headache for a bit, as the breeze outside was not constant. I got large pieces done. My only concern just now is having enough neoprene to finish construction. I have enough if you count the 2mm I have but I can't but 2mm to 3mm and I don't want different thicknesses. I may have to thrift store bounce to find some more 3mm. Anyhow, I just need to do some more construction and acquire more neoprene. It's just a matter of time now that I have everything.
Finishing the pattern
about to finish that seam up top, front side of tail
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